About J-Stack


I’m a self-taught software developer with more than 15 years of commercial experience. The main reason I got into software development was to automate the business processes of a business I owned at the time. You could say I was an entrepreneur that needed to improve my business, so I started coding.

For most of my career my businesses were my main priority, and software development was secondary. That changed in the last 5 years or so, when I started to focus exclusively on software development and mentoring.

I’ve still got active development contracts in the UK and Australia, so I’m still developing software commercially. I also run an internship program for Bitcube , a software development company in South Africa, where we take post-graduate developers and we get them ready for employment. This has been a huge success and the program is going from strength to strength.

My experience is mainly in C# and the .NET Frameworks. I started developing in Angular in 2016. In the earlier part of my career I tried a lot of different languages and frameworks, but lately I’ve decided to focus on C#, .NET Core and Angular.

Because of my experience in both business management and software development, I’ve got a unique perspective that not a lot of other software developers have. I know the challenges faced by business owners as well as software developers, and my work at Bitcube has also taught me a lot about the challenges faced by software development companies and the developers working for them.

Whether you’re planning to become a freelancer and build your own software development business, or somebody who just started your software development journey, I can help you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to help.